It's almost time for the new Xbox 360 dashboard to invade gamers everywhere. Microsoft expects to update the Xbox Live user interface sometime next month, which is said to be the most significant update to the dashboard since the NXE update three years ago. This new Metro-based update is meant to bring a unified and distinctive look across all of Microsoft's consumer products and services, including Windows Phone 7, Windows 8 and Zune.
Sitting in the dentist's waiting room, I found I couldn't browse the internet on my smartphone anymore. My eyes were tired from reading and there were no headphones to listen to music. There are no magazines at this dentist's office, just an old TV playing Russian music videos ad nauseam. Mostly female Russian singers, and curiously enough they all shared similar traits: they can't dance. They look gorgeous, but the best they could do is small movements and two slow moves at best- a huge...
If you're unfamiliar with League of Legends, you're either not into PC gaming or you haven't spent much time on the internet. Riot Games officially released League almost two years ago, and since then it's become a huge hit. In fact, the Santa Monica based company recently announced that the DOTA inspired game has 15 million registered users, 4 million unique logins each month, and 500,000 people playing the game at any given moment.
By now you may have heard that the Diablo 3 Friends and Family beta testing has begun. Diablo III is the next highly anticipated addition in the Diablo trilogy, and is the sequel to Diablo 2, originally published all the way back in 2000. The game is the product of Blizzard Entertainment, a company well known for its very successful Warcraft and Starcraft franchises. Like the other Blizzard series, Diablo III will be exclusively for PCs at launch. Console players can rejoice as the lead project...
Dead Island (PC, PS3, 360) had the worst launch of any game in recent memory. The wrong version of the game was released on PC, matchmaking was down for three days on PC, saves were deleted without notice making people start from scratch, and the Feminist Whore (a file found describing one of the character's skills) fiasco. The game just wasn't ready for release.
It's been five long years since Dead Island was first revealed to the public, but today the zombie game finally saw the light of day with its release on PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. When the first teaser trailer came out from developer Techland, Dead Island looked nothing more than a cheap Resident Evil ripoff—on an island.
A guy playing dual expert mode in a piano concerto game doing extremely well only to mess up at the end and go nuts. What he did was totally justified.
Two Worlds was known as a promising but ultimately terribly buggy open world RPG game. Here are two players trying their best to make due with the game's horse.
Minecraft may seem like a game for just hardcore gamers and computer nerds, but it's totally not. It can hook anyone and everyone, from casual gamers to online addicts to total newbies—it can even turn its users into serial killers. And now, Notch and his Mojang crew have made it possible for more people in the world to become Minecraft addicts who'll never leave their servers. A console version for the Xbox 360 will be available this winter, but for now you can all enjoy the cubed sandbox...
What part of this is a game anymore? You could have fooled me if you would have told me this was live footage. New game play showing off flying on jets and all around great trailer.
There are a lot of horse racing games in japan, you see them in arcades all the time. This is.. well I can't really describe it because it's so stupid! My favorite is Chokusen Banchou, when he pulled out that Enka trailer I totally lost it.
Shadows of the Dammed (360/PS3) is a polarizing game. It's not shy of being crass and crude. Go ahead and judge the game by the following examples (click to enlarge):
Stuck in a relationship that is going nowhere? Do you wake up and it's nine years later and nothing has changed? Do you also dream of sheep? You know, in the non erotic sense? Well welcome to Catherine, a puzzle game of non-commitment and text messaging.
The developing team Techland gets a free pass. Having thoroughly enjoyed their previous title, Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood, this sequel was bought on day one by good ol' fashion blind faith. After playing for most of today, it's still to early to tell if the game is a mess or a fun romp. Here are some first impressions.
Sitting around thinking about my average sexual performance, I wondered if there were other things in life that were also 30 seconds long. I was extremely relieved that such things were possible! These 30 second movies are the mobile text equivalent to major films or projects. From film to parody to games, it looks like you can really recap everything in half a minute! So stop checking your texts on every red light, give your thumbs a rest and check these out instead!
Ladies and Gentlemen of the gaming community, you have many gaming related video tutorials on this website that I have personally used. I would like to introduce you to a new additional website that has just launched into beta, which may benefit you all by allowing you to further the reach of your videos. Leetvid also offers the option to embed your video.
Looking back on Alan Wake, more than a year and a half after its release, it's still one of my favorite games. The graphics and ambience have held up well in comparison to any other story driven game, and it's still the best third-person horror game out there, in terms of gameplay. Given how few horror games are actually out there this generation, I would definitely recommend giving this game a try since it's dirt cheap to rent or buy.
These are great times. It is about time advertisers invaded our video games in the same way they do our driving (billboards), walking (fliyers, posters), and our private home (emails, bulk mail, text messages).
Is that House? Built in Minecraft? Well, time to cross out one more item off my bucket list! As inspiration for this week's Minecraft-themed Tuesday Giveaway (enter here to win an awesome Minecraft Pickaxe!), I present a roundup of amazing things found in Minecraft.
Remember Grindhouse, the Quentin Tarantino & Robert Rodriguez homage to B films? Well this game is just like that. It could literally pass off as the third feature in that movie. The action looks clunky, the acting is not the best, but it still looks like a fun ride. It comes out tomorrow (June 21st) and I'll have first impressions ready the next day.
I love Chucks. I've been wearing the same black pair I've had since 8th grade. I also love Chuck collaborations, and the latest one is pretty exciting. Converse and Nintendo have come together to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Super Mario, and the result is a match made in Mario heaven.
A woman from space that who has been dead hundreds of years has been resurrected on the internet and you're the IT assigned to fight the viruses attacking her. Child of Eden is a mesmerizing musical game, with fluid animations, great game play, and lots of replay ability.
Have you ever wanted to ride a rollercoaster while listening to Lady Gaga? Or have the Star Wars theme auto-play when you enter your house? You can with Minecraft. Search Youtube for a popular song + Minecraft, and chances are there will be a video for it!
Nope, it's not the McDonalds menu, but close enough. Jim Blackhurst has mapped 11 million deaths onto a 3-dimensional point cloud for video game Just Cause 2. The result is an amazing virtual heat map of a world where every white dot represents a death on impact:
What happens when a person who has never played a building sandbox game tries it for the first time? Reality happens. The harsh reality of human nature. You would think playing with friends in a creation game would be utopia, but in truth it's more like being stuck with people that would walk all over you if it provided a softer path.
Minecraft is the most basic and barren open sandbox building game. There are a limited number of materials and recipes to craft. But with these few building blocks, people have been able to creatively build some amazing structures and cities. There is a physical limitation, but the beauty of the game is turning that limitation into a strength.
Earlier this month, game developer David Braben and his Rasberry Pi nonprofit foundation revealed a $25 USB PC. The computer can connect to an HDMI monitor on one end, and a USB peripheral on the other (such as a keyboard or a USB hub). You can use the USB hub to connect multiple items, such as a keyboard, mouse, printer, USB ethernet/wireless, creating a fully functional computer.
Wow. I'm not much of an MW or BF player but the first 12 minutes of the game are visually impressive, probably the best graphics and animations I've ever seen. Lots of game has great graphics but if the animations are not up to par (The Witcher 2), the game suffers considerably.