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E3 2010: XCOM Trailer!

W-O-W. This trailer looks amazing. From 2kGames (Bioshock), this game looks to be set in the 50's with stellar art direction. I don't know how well this sits with people who have played the previous XCOM games, but from a new player perspective I really loved the trailer.

News: E3 is next week!

E3, the Superbowl event of video games, is next week. This is the event where all major companies reveal their plans for the next year, new technology, and surprise game announcements.

News: A knock on Bush

From the upcoming game Deus Ex 3, here is an in game screen shot. Oh boy this is going to throw the Tea Party in a tiffy! The original shot (the poster is in the upper left corner):

News: Rock Band 3 unveiled! (Keyboard!)

Rock Band 3, coming this Fall, was revealed at none other than USA Today. Fully functional 25 key keyboard, 80+ songs including The Doors and Bohemian Rhapsody, Pro mode, updated guitars, and a kitchen sink are included in this new sequel. From the article:In addition to the new keyboard controller, also due for the game's release are two advanced guitar controllers that take advantage of the Pro mode, one a full-sized, fully functional Fender guitar (all sold separately, no prices yet).Other...

News: Joe Danger on PSN

A cartoony, "Trials HD"-type game being released today. It's multiplayer so you can take on people at home or online. Looks like a lot of fun. You can also create your own levels. Here is an excerpt from the Game Informer review:

News: Earthworm Jim HD Remake

The Earthworm Jim HD remake comes out this week in Xbox Live, and next month on PSN ( the 360 has a 1 month exclusive on the game). Includes new levels and up to four player co-op beside the shiny new graphics. Personally I only beat a few levels in the Snes version way back in the 90's. The co-op sounds fun bud I'd rather have an HD Battletoads to be honest.

News: Vanquish In Game trailer

From the makers of Bayonetta (Platinum Games) comes Vanquish, their Japanese version of Halo. Not quite sure if this is good or bad, but since they made Bayonetta, this might turn out to be a really good game game play wise. The story already looks juvenile from the video. I like the dash and cover system in the video, something I wish Halo, MW, and BF2 had in their games.

News: Wario Ware DIY

Hey, have you ever wished you could design your own video games? With WarioWare D.I.Y. you can! Great for first-timers who want to see what they can come up with. Apparently it comes with its own image and music editor, and its own graphical scripting language.

News: Deus Ex 3 Trailer

E3 is around the corner and new game information is being leaked or revealed everywhere. Deus Ex was a huge hit a long time ago. Think Bladerunner. The trailer actually looks amazing and it's obviously all cgi. I've seen actual in game screen shots, and it looks ok. I'll wait till the gameplay videos come out before making any judgements.

News: LA Live on PBS July 31st

"The PBS special -- consisting of never before televised live musical performances from the Mario, Zelda, Sonic, Halo, Warcraft, Final Fantasy, Castlevania, God of War, Civilization, Chrono Cross, StarCraft and Guitar Hero franchises, and a musical journey through classic gaming -- premieres July 31, 2010 and airs throughout August on PBS stations (check your local listings at http://pbs.org/tvschedules). Support your local PBS station now -- you make it possible for your PBS station to offer...

Red Dead: Bring back a live bounty easily

Bring back a live bounty without chases. There is always a bandit pursuit whenever you try to bring in a live bounty in Red Dead Redemption. If you kill the initial wave of bandits, more appear seconds later. They can kill your horse or your bounty, and if you can't outrun them, it's going to be a very messy return.

News: Alan Wake Review

Looking back on Alan Wake, more than a year and a half after its release, it's still one of my favorite games. The graphics and ambience have held up well in comparison to any other story driven game, and it's still the best third-person horror game out there, in terms of gameplay. Given how few horror games are actually out there this generation, I would definitely recommend giving this game a try since it's dirt cheap to rent or buy.

News: Advertising in Alan Wake

These are great times. It is about time advertisers invaded our video games in the same way they do our driving (billboards), walking (fliyers, posters), and our private home (emails, bulk mail, text messages).