These are great times. It is about time advertisers invaded our video games in the same way they do our driving (billboards), walking (fliyers, posters), and our private home (emails, bulk mail, text ...
Is that House? Built in Minecraft? Well, time to cross out one more item off my bucket list! As inspiration for this week's Minecraft-themed Tuesday Giveaway (enter here to win an awesome Minecraft Pi ...
Wow. It's also amazing that kinect is able to track the shape of such a small body. ...
Remember Grindhouse, the Quentin Tarantino & Robert Rodriguez homage to B films? Well this game is just like that. It could literally pass off as the third feature in that movie. The action looks clun ...
I love Chucks. I've been wearing the same black pair I've had since 8th grade. I also love Chuck collaborations, and the latest one is pretty exciting. Converse and Nintendo have come together to cele ...
A woman from space that who has been dead hundreds of years has been resurrected on the internet and you're the IT assigned to fight the viruses attacking her. Child of Eden is a mesmerizing musical g ...
Have you ever wanted to ride a rollercoaster while listening to Lady Gaga? Or have the Star Wars theme auto-play when you enter your house? You can with Minecraft. Search Youtube for a popular song + ...
Nope, it's not the McDonalds menu, but close enough. Jim Blackhurst has mapped 11 million deaths onto a 3-dimensional point cloud for video game Just Cause 2. The result is an amazing virtual heat map ...
The game of the month has to be Minecraft. There is some serious addiction going on here. My current project is building a huge museum of sciences, where people can go and see how things work:music bo ...
At a windows partner conference in Taipei, Microsoft unveiled their Windows 8 tablet. First impressions: WOW! Looks like they are actually innovating for once. Full screen app view is greatmultiple a ...