News: Game box art - what to regular people think?

Game box art - what to regular people think?

Funny video, sort of like the Jay Leno street questions segment. IGN asks regular people in San Francisco what they think a game is about based on the box art. They showed people different games and they gave really frank answers.

Game box art - what to regular people think?

 My favorite is a woman that thought the game Naughtly Bear was some sort of Catholic counseling device " Show me on the bear where he touched you".

It's comedy but this video makes a good point. If you were to walk into a game store, what would make a good cover to a regular person? Lets say you wanted to pick a thriller for your cousin or friend because you know that he likes those type of games. Since most stores display games alphabetically and not by genre, you're going to be in the store for a long time if you're looking by the box art.

Sometimes if you're lucky you can ask someone in the store (like an employee or someone else that is also looking around) for help and get some good recommendations. Whenever I get asked about what to get for someone, I always tell them they can't fail with Sexy Beach 3.

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