Hey, have you ever wished you could design your own video games? With WarioWare D.I.Y. you can! Great for first-timers who want to see what they can come up with. Apparently it comes with its own imag ...
It's like National Cellphone Day. Here are the details for the new iPhone 4, coming out later this month: "There's also of course that front facing camera we were all anticipating, a rear camera with ...
The 360 might be going through a (useless?) rebranding in the next few weeks, changing the box art to a more greenish wave.Before:After:These are from different press materials, but they seem to coinc ...
Gamers can read, too! This book is slated to come out in October. Of course there'll be arguments over what should have been included, what got overlooked, and what's overrated. Which video games do y ...
E3 is around the corner and new game information is being leaked or revealed everywhere. Deus Ex was a huge hit a long time ago. Think Bladerunner. The trailer actually looks amazing and it's obviousl ...
Lord of the Rings Online, one of the most popular and recognizable MMOs out there, is now Free to Play. http://www.lotro.com/betasignup/This now joins Dungeons and Dragons Online as the second game by ...
"The PBS special -- consisting of never before televised live musical performances from the Mario, Zelda, Sonic, Halo, Warcraft, Final Fantasy, Castlevania, God of War, Civilization, Chrono Cross, Sta ...
sadly the only game on my phone for the last few years was the game that my phone came with: BrickBreaker: very sad but that's all my old phone could handle. My wife at least has tetris on her phone. ...
I remember these from the election, but never saw a game related one till now. ...